Bill Lewis Computer Consulting

Providing support for personal and business computer systems and networks in West Union, Ohio and the surrounding area.

For help or information, you can contact me at



tK's Rules -- obviously inspired by "Gibbs' Rules"

  1. Always declare your variables
  2. Save
  3. Sometimes you work too hard
  4. Using descriptive names beats writing REMs
  5. Always initiate variables
  6. Assume the end-user is an idiot
  7. There is always one more bug
  8. Clean up your temps
  9. Never go anywhere without a knife
  10. Keep learning
  11. Always know what your code is supposed to do before you start writing it
  12. Assume you'll have to change the code later
  13. Assume you won't be the one to change the code
  14. Know when to stop
  15. Don't repeat yourself - make it a sub
  16. Make standards - adhere to standards